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Research Point - Still Life

In its simplest form, a still life can be termed a representation of the things we have around us. Throughout history, artists have used...

Assignment 2

This assignment was designed to allow us, as artists, to demonstrate both the observational and the technical skills we have been...

Project 3 - At Home

My plan of attack for this project is going to be a bit different from the previous projects. Having had a read through the brief, it...

Reflecting on Tutor Feedback

So that’s assignment one done dusted and boy have I learned a lot. Not just about my drawing and art but about the course, the logistical...

The Stanley Kubrick Archive

Friday 7th February began with a 7am alarm. This may not seem all that exceptional, but as my alarm for work is usually some time after...

Research Point

The image reproduced in the course materials is by Odilion Redon and is called Two Trees (1875). Odilion Redon was a French artist born...

Assignment 1

Here we are: the first milestone in this journey I’ve embarked on. Time really has flown, it feels like only yesterday I received my big...

Learning Log: Blog2
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